Tag Archives: One Kind Act a Day

One Kind Act Calls for Submissions

ONE KIND ACT.COMOne Kind Act Calls for Submissions

One Kind Act is now accepting submissions for its first anthology. One Kind Act is a social movement aimed at making lives happier and more fulfilling while making the world a better place … One Kind Act at a time.

Life is all about interacting. We forget that as we speed past other people in shiny boxes on the highway, or buy our morning coffee from a stranger in a window, or pump gas next to five other people never lifting our heads to see who they are.

But when we choose to notice the people around us and we act with kindness, we cause a chain reaction. A smile in the grocery store. An open door for a mother struggling with a baby carriage. A double batch of soup so there is extra for a neighbor. When we give and receive these gifts, we realize it really is the small things that matter.

We at One Kind Act have heard a lot of your stories and now we want to anthologize them to inspire and motivate others. We are looking for stories of both givers and recipients of Kind Acts. They may be with strangers, family members, or friends in private or professional settings. Don’t think your story isn’t what we’re looking for. If a Kind Act popped into your head, send it to us. And tell your friends. The more diverse, the merrier.

A portion of the proceeds from the sale of the book will go to fund One Kind Act.Com and acts of kindness.


* Nonfiction stories and essays can be between 200 – 2000 words in length.
* Please submit your stories electronically as an attachment (word or pdf format) or in the body of your email to stories@onekindact.com. Subject line: “Anthology.”
* You may submit anonymously. However, if you would like to be credited, please include you name, city, state, country, age, profession, or any other pertinent details you would like us to include. Limit is a 65-70 word bio. Inclusions of web address will be considered.

Other Details

* You retain all rights to your work. We just need one-time and electronic reprint rights.
* Will reserve the right to edit your story for consistency, grammar, and spelling.
* You may submit as many stories as you like for consideration. Please send individual submissions separately.
* Deadline for submissions is midnight February 12, 2010. You will be informed by the end of February if your story will be included in the anthology.
* Publication is anticipated mid 2010.

Stay up-to-date about the anthology’s progress at: http://www.onekindact.com

The Bottom Line
Publishing this anthology is a labor of love for One Kind Act. Hence, we can not pay for contributions. However we will actively promote the anthology and your writing.

Thank you for considering a submission.

About the Editors
Matthew Costello is an e-commerce guru and CEO of Web Marketing Advisors, a strategic marketing and business development firm. Matt is also the founder of One Kind Act, a social movement designed to change the world by motivating others to leap in and really live, just One Kind Act at a time. He is dedicated to helping people focus on kindness and energize their lives.

Julie Luongo is the author of The Hard Way (Forge, 2008), her debut novel, which was met with unanimous critical praise. She holds a Master’s degree in Creative Writing from Temple University and a Bachelor’s from Penn State in Advertising. She is a former writing instructor, editor, and playwright. She always thanks cashiers; waves people through in traffic, and sometimes even smiles at strangers. In addition Julie played a large role in the creation of One Kind Act.Com and continues to do so.

*Reprint Notice:
Permission to reprint or redistribute altered or excerpted material from this post is allowed only if you do the following:

* Include, all links, bio’s and credits.
* Provide a direct link back to the post, and email us, to let us know about the link.

Copyright © 2009 ONE KIND ACT.COM. All Rights Reserved.

One Kind Act Merchandise Now Available

Now you can show the world you’re kind! Browse the selection of One Kind Act products and be sure to tell a friend…